
Posted on: Monday, August 18, 2014

Slow Family Living

Lately, I have been intrigued with making life with my kiddos a constant, steady, but unhurried pace.  I want to not idolize business and I want to connect with their little hearts.  I picked this up at the library a few weeks ago. You know when you read a couple of pages of a new book and it just grabs your heart, like yes! I want this!  That's how this book is.  Bernadette Noll gives 75 practical ideas about how to slow down as a family.  She also helps cast the vision of why we should do this.

Here are a few of my favorites.....

1.  Slow Sports- Her three kids were on three different soccer teams and they were at different practices every night of the week causing them to not be able to eat dinner together.  They dropped out of these leagues and joined up with a few like hearted families every Wednesday night and played family soccer.  Everyone played, the kids loved it, and then they all had dinner together afterwards.  My favorite part was that she got her exercise in too, which is such a hard thing for mamas.

2.  Slow Holidays- Instead of practical tips, she has you evaluate why you practice certain traditions.  She asks....What messages did you get as a child about what the holidays should look and feel like? What messages do you get now from society and from friends and family about what the holidays should look and feel like?  What feelings do you want to pass on to your children about holidays?  It is so important to think about why we do things!  I never want to be a mom that just goes through the motions but I want to do traditions the come from the heart.

3.  The Family Lemonade Stand- She talks about the important of just being outside on your front porch/sidewalk and how it gathers community.  Dan and I have found this to be so true!  When we hang out in the front yard, our neighbors who never come out, come talk to us!  It's fun, relaxing family time that doesn't involve the stress of getting yourself together for company.

In Final thought, this is a great "read before you go to bed" book.  It's not too deep and leaves you with fresh ideas, and a renewed vision for family.

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