
Posted on: Friday, November 29, 2013

Every life begins with a story: Finley's Birth


The night before I went to our neighborhood ladies night, my first to attend. I was feeling exhausted but I really wanted to meet my neighbors so I got out of my yoga pants, dressed up, and went! It was standing room only and I stood for about two hours. I think this helped me go into labor! 

That night I woke up about 3 am and felt like I was having contractions. I woke Dan up and told him I thought I was in labor. I lay in bed for awhile until I realized, this is it! We got up, got ready, and called Jordan who lives in the neighborhood to come watch the boys. We left for the hospital about 4 am. When I got there I was only dilated to a 4. They told me to go walk around for an hour and come back. 

I was so hungry so we cheated and drove to IHOP where Dan got me eggs and toast. I ate some of it but felt like I was really progressing. We got back to the hospital at 5 am and I was dilated to a 6. They admitted me and as we were walking from Triage to the birthing suite I threw up my IHOP. Oops! Shouldn't have eaten! 

We were in the birthing suite by 6:30 am. I felt like the contractions were really progressing but I was able to stay relaxed. I was probably there for about 30 minutes when I felt like I needed to push. I thought, “no way, it can't be!” because usually I had lost it or felt like a crazy woman before the pushing feeling came. My midwife, Dawn, came in and said go for it and I started pushing! 

I had delivered Ezra and Jude on hands and knees but wasn't able to get to that position in time so I delivered on my side which was actually much better because I could see Finley! It was a wonderful experience, my best birth. I was a much more relaxed mom. I was able to sleep more in the hospital. Ezra and Jude went back to Tulsa for a week which gave me such sweet time with Finley. I watched the “call the midwife” series which just made me giddy with joy to have a newborn. We are so thankful for Finley!

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